
Configure SAML authentication with ADFS for Deep Security

Recently, I got the request to enable SAML authentication for an on-premises Deep Security Manager using ADFS.The interesting part is, that this configuration is fully supported, but the vendor’s documentation lacks a few significant points.But let’s start at the beginning: SAML is a popular method to authenticatte web-based consoles, since it can enforce stronger authentication […]

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Ist das Kunst oder kann das weg?

Gewissenhafter Umgang mit Dateien im Unternehmen ist nicht nur eine Frage der Vernunft Die Datenmengen steigen rasant. Der Prognose einer aktuellen Studie zu Folge werden wir bis 2025 eine Verfünffachung der weltweiten Datenmenge erleben. Im Hinblick auf die Umsetzung einer sinnvollen Datensicherungs- und Recovery-Lösung stellt das für die IT-Abteilungen in den Unternehmen ein riesiges Problem

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Increase Log Volume Size in vCenter Appliance 6.7

Recently I experienced an error message when connecting to a vCenter environment, stating “Log Disk Exhaustion on <put you vCenter name here>”. So the question was raised, how to increase the disk space for the log volume. First, we need to figure out, which hard drive contains which type of data: Disk(VMDK) Default Size(Tiny) Mount

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FortiGate: Disable Logging for Dedicated IPS Signatures

During the last weeks we saw lots of alert messages from Fortinet firewalls that blocked attack attempts against web servers using the built-in IPS system. There were so many of these messages that they completely flooded the monitoring system. So I was asked for a solution to filter out these messages The messages look similar

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Symantec EDR Appliance with Public Certificate

In case, you want to use a public certificate on your Symantec Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) Appliance (also known as ATP), you need to create a certificate file that includes all certificates from intermediate and the root certification authorities (CAs). In our case, the certificate itself looks as follows:

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